How to Play Uploaded Movies on My Smartphone

Getting a Movie

Before we can copy a movie to an Android device, we of course need to actually take a pic. Yous can download them or you tin make a copy of your own DVD (MacOS X, Windows, Linux) or Blu-Ray disk with freely available tools. Next a few points to consider to get a proper video file that tin be played on your Android.

A few considerations earlier nosotros start

Before we outset we will need to know what the capabilities of your telephone or tablet are. For the average user most certainly not a "routine" task.

Supported Video Codecs

Build / Default video actor of your Android:
Rule of thumb is that "old" Android devices can simply handle h.263, an old format originally designed for video conferencing. Newer Android version should to be capable of h.264 playback. (reference)

I found through testing quite a few devices, that if you catechumen a video/DVD/Blu-Ray with HandBrake, setting the "Video Codec" to "MPEG-four (FFmpeg)" results in videos that can exist played on former and new Android devices with the standard video playback app without a problem.

Media Player App:
The Android marketplace, or Google Play now a days, and the Amazon App Store, have plenty of costless video play back apps that are capable doing other formats as well! I did find yet, that transcoding (converting a video file from ane codec to another) with HandBrake is typically quick and results in a surprisingly small file for your Android that can be played without the need for an additional app.

Some skillful choices:

  • BSPlayer – only at Google Play, free, with ads and supports most subtitle formats and multiple audio tracks,
  • MXPlayer – only at Google Play, free, with ads and supports nigh subtitle formats, might require additional codecs,
  • VLC – just at Google Play, free, no ads, currently in beta (pick Joe VLC for at present) and supports subtitles,
  • MoboPlayer – gratis, no ads, available at Google Play and Amazon, supports multiple sound tracks and subtitles.

Personally I prefer VLC or the build-in app.

Maximum Screen Resolution

This is optional just when you're tight on storage space on your Android device, it might exist worth looking into.

The brandish of your device has a particular resolution (number of dots to create a moving-picture show). Playback of a movie with a higher resolution than your screen can display will not merely take more space to shop, and calculator ability to scale it downwardly, merely it besides will not produce any improve picture. And so if you lot're low on storage space and/or your phone or table is deadening: consider downscaling the flick to a more adequate resolution.

In HandBrake this can be done through the "Picture Settings" option which brings up a window where y'all tin enter values for width and height. Yous merely have to enter (using the up and down buttons) the highest number of your video resolution in the "Width" field – top volition automatically be adjust to maintain aspect ratio. The "highest" number can exist constitute beneath, where I show yous how to decide your screen resolution – in that example the "highest" number is 800.

HandBrake - Resize Video

HandBrake – Resize Video

Determining Screen Resolution

If yous have read the "How to determine my Android version" article, so you lot might already have the "Android Organization Info" app installed which tin also show you the native resolution of your Android device. If non, you lot can become the app at Google Play or at the Amazon App Store.

When y'all open up Android System Info, tap the "System" tab, and find the "Screen" line. Yous'll now run into the native resolution of your phone or tablet.

For most DVD based movies, you'll probably have no need for resizing. For 720p (1280 x 720) and 1080p (1920 x 1080) movies you might consider doing this though, especially when your screen has a depression resolution like shown below.

Android System Info - Screen Resolution

Android System Info – Screen Resolution

Subtitles and boosted audio tracks

Most of the video playback apps that come with your phone or tablet are not capable of handling subtitles and/or multiple sound tracks. Removing the unneeded tracks will relieve storage space and so this might be something to look at when you have express storage infinite on your Android.

To exist honest, I don't meet the demand for boosted subtitles or sound tracks unless you desire to share your movies with others. After all, yous'll be pretty much the but one watching the moving-picture show on your telephone, so y'all already know if you demand a particular linguistic communication for audio and/or subtitles.

If you lot nevertheless want to utilize subtitles then you accept ii options:
– Have HandBrake "fire" the subtitles in (which means yous cannot always disable them),
– Use a 3rd party app for playback.

If the boosted audio track is needed, yous'll have ii options besides:
– Simply include the audio track you desire,
– Use a 3rd party app that supports multiple audio tracks.

Available Storage Space

To be able to play a movie on your Android device, you lot volition demand to have the video file stored on information technology. If you've done everything correct, and so a video file doesn't take to be super big, merely do count on 500 Mb to 1.5 Gb (1500 Mb) of space that is needed per picture show.

Typically video files are stored on the then called SD or micro-SD card – with near devices you can access this bill of fare and upgrade it if needed. With some devices nevertheless you cannot access the card and upgrading is not an option.

When you access your files: check kickoff if you take plenty room left for the movie. Some of the previously mentioned topics tin can contribute to a smaller file size.

Getting your Movies

Equally said before,  there are enough of options to get your hands on a movie, exist information technology downloading, ripping a DVD or ripping a Blu-Ray or converting an existing video file.

Nosotros have some guides for you available to walk you through this.

When post-obit these guides, I've found it virtually helpful to start with the "Android" presetin HandBrake.

For maximum compatibility in HandBrake, use the "MP4" file format and set "Video Codec" to "MPEG-iv (FFmpeg)" every bit this appears to result in the nearly uniform format for miscellaneous Android devices. More than recent devices notwithstanding, tin handle "h.264" every bit well.

All other settings I typically get out as they are, which results in relatively small-scale video files – consider irresolute the resolution if needed though.

Notation :The DVD to MP4 guides are also suitable for converting existing video files – just pick the file every bit your video "Source" instead of the DVD.

  • Copying a DVD to MP4 (Windows, MacOS X, Linux)
  • Copying a Blu-Ray to MP4 (covers Windows, MacOS X and Linux)

At the end of this exercise you should have one (or more) MP4 video file suitable for your Android device.

Copying a movie to your Android device

I've written a relatively extensive article on several methods how you tin can connect your figurer to your Android device. If y'all have never setup a connection betwixt your computer and your Android device, and so consider reading it.

Note : If yous cannot find a "video" or "movie" folder on your Android device, then simply make one on the SD menu.
You can also optionally copy the movie in the DCIM binder.

Video Playback

It's going to exist difficult to explain here how to playback the video file since information technology appears that every Android device has it'due south own video or movies playback app. Long alive consistency. Anyhow … I'll work through some examples, mayhap 1 of them matches your Android device.

Samsung Galaxy S

File location I used:
Without SD card inserted, I created a folder "video" in the root, and it picked it up just fine.
With SD card inserted, I placed the movie in the "movie" folder that resides in the "media" binder, which worked besides.

Become to the "Gallery" app – your movie files should announced correct away, maybe in a album called "video".
If y'all tap the video, subsequently opening the album, playback should offset. If you all the same installed another video playback app, then you should, the first time at least, get a request what app to utilize:

Select what to use for Video playback

Select what to use for Video playback

Asus Nexus 7

File location: I dropped the video file in the "Movies" folder.

Printing the "Movie" icon, tap the menu push button in the upper correct corner and select "Personal videos". Your movie should exist selectable at present, tap it and it will play. Every bit with the Samsung Galaxy South, if y'all installed other media players, Android volition ask you which 1 to employ.

Nexus 7 - Play Movies

Nexus 7 – Play Movies

Kindle Burn Hard disk drive

File location: I copied the picture show in a binder called "Movies" that resides in the "sdcard" folder. If the folder "Movies" does not exist, just create information technology.

Kindle nearly certainly is not your regular of the factory Android device – and personally I really exercise not like what Amazon has done with it. For the playback of personal videos you will demand to go find the "Personal Videos" app – or an app like MoboPlayer.

Note that the sound of the Kindle Burn HD is very practiced compared to other tablets.

For the "Personal Videos" app yous volition have to go to the "Home" screen and type "Personal Videos" in the search field to go find information technology. Once found, tap it and you can sentinel your videos. If you lot take multiple media players installed, Kindle will too ask you which i to utilize.

Kindle Fire HD - Movie playback

Kindle Fire HD – Movie playback

HTC Glacier / T-Mobile MyTouch 4G

File location: I copied my file on the SD card in a folder that I created "media", in which I created a sub-folder called "Movies".

Like the Samsung Galaxy S, go to your "gallery" app, and you'll find yous video file in that location.


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