Will Usps Try to Deliver Package Again

FedUP withUSPS


How many times is the USPS obliged to re-evangelize a package?

The Short Version: Subsequently leaving an initial "attempted delivery" observe, how many more delivery attempts is the USPS obligated to make to evangelize a bundle? Is it one more endeavour after that first attempt? Or two?

I understand that information technology is up to me as the recipient to indicate a) I want the package redelivered and b) the appointment I desire the second/third commitment attempts made.

(I'll post the Much Longer Version when time permits)

Expert Bye My Friend
Leland, MS



around here they go out a carte du jour proverb they attempted and will endeavour once more on 10 date. if not successful you can pick upwardly at the PO. commonly if they cannot get information technology delivered in about 7 days, either dropped off or you picking it up, they will send information technology dorsum.

Los Angeles, CA



They deliver or try to evangelize the parcel only once. The mailman volition leave you an attempt carte du jour for you lot to either A) Go to the mail role and pick up your bundle or B) Sign the back of the effort card and it will be re-delivered to y'all whether you are at the business firm or not.

If you lot haven't done whatever action; a calendar week later another attempt card volition exist sent to yous reminding you of your packet and that it will be sent back to the shipper on the specific engagement specified on the card.

Premium Member
Wildomar, CA

AbBaZaBbA to FedUP withUSPS

Premium Fellow member

to FedUP withUSPS

I believe afterward the kickoff attempt they are non obligated to try once more. Not 100% sure though. It also depends on the services. If it's insured for $100, then you tin probably sign the paper and take it delivered when you lot're non dwelling house. But if they require someone to sign for it in person then they cannot get out information technology. If your postman is squeamish you may besides get them to redeliver.

I know with express post they will try a couple times (maybe iii?)

UPS and fedex are 3, but if you call yous can usually become a 4th.

ferroequine fan
Premium Member

vaxvms to FedUP withUSPS

Premium Fellow member

to FedUP withUSPS

have you tried doing this?
»redelivery.usps.com/duns ··· very.jsp

FedUP withUSPS

FedUP withUSPS to AbBaZaBbA


to AbBaZaBbA

said by AbBaZaBbA:

If it's insured for $100, and then you can probably sign the paper and have it delivered when you're not home. But if they require someone to sign for it in person and so they cannot leave it. If your postman is overnice y'all may also get them to redeliver.

Well, here's what happened:

Sat, I got a "sorry we missed y'all" notice, notifying me that I had a package that needed to be signed for. I looked on the card and saw the phone number listed for the local post office, along with the hours of "6am to 4pm."

Monday morning, I called around 6AM (in a burst of optimism that I'd go something useful done that early on) and asked to speak to my carrier, but to be told that the carriers do non coil in until 7:30. Fair enough, so I called back once again at seven:thirty and asked for my carrier. I hear his voice coming from far away, I say "hi" about five times, v seconds apart, and side by side affair I know....he's hung up on me.

So afterwards calling dorsum and being told past the same lady who picked up the phone the kickoff time that "he pressed the wrong button" I was bounced over to him once more. I explained about the notice and asked if he could, delight, bring the bundle by today. and that I would make sure to be on paw to sign for it.

At that indicate, I encountered substantial resistance. He basically said that he was not obliged to bring the packet by again. I maintained that he was, in fact, obliged to exercise so, only to get the same line thrown back at me. Well, I don't call people upward at 7:30am (and after two previous attempts) to take them tell me how useless they are, and so at that point I made it clear to him that he'd need to redeliver the parcel and that I would be dwelling to sign for it.

Subsequently I hung upwards, I chosen the folks at 800-ASK-USPS to become the lowdown on but how many redelivery attempts a carrier is obliged to brand. The respond I got was this: the mail function holds a package for X number of days, the number of days depending on the type of commitment service, with 5 days being the minimum concur time (for an Express Mail packet). I can schedule redelivery attempts for as long as they hold the package for, though typically the redelivery attempts are going to be spaced 48 hours apart.

Typically, a mail customer is going to get three notices: a "at that place's a packet for you" detect, a 2nd, "hey, at that place's *still* a package for you" notice if you lot don't schedule a redelivery or selection it upwards at the post part, and finally, a "nosotros're mailing this bundle back if you don't claim it by date X" detect. With each of those notices, I have an opportunity to fill in a redelivery date 48 hours from the time of the notice and exit it for the carrier.

When my mailman showed up and I signed for the package, we had a pocket-size argument over only what circumstances he is obliged to redeliver a packet under. The stance he took was that if a packet required a signature that he was only obliged to attempt to deliver the parcel one time, and that after ane delivery attempt, I was obliged to pick it upwardly at the local post part myself. I told him of the chat I had with his pals at the one-800 number that contradicted what he said, but he remained adamant.

Personally, I think I'm cursed with a lazy carrier. I say this considering we've gone through this exact same procedure earlier: I get a notice, and then I phone call him early in the AM the adjacent day to let him know that, aye, I will be in that day to sign for the bundle and could he please deliver it. I've never once faked out on him and not been in when I said I would be. So why this is suddenly a trouble is a mystery to me.

Are these any ex-carriers out in that location that could replenish a definitve answer to this question?

Believe it or don't, I don't mind being wrong on this at all. I do heed being told past my carrier that he is not obliged to redeliver a package, but for him to be incapable of producing a reason for this alleged policy when I ask him why, exactly, he can't make at to the lowest degree one redelivery attempt upon my calling him and telling him I'll be on paw to sign for it. Again, information technology's not like I'm not there when I call to tell him that I volition be on manus to sign for the package.




Cursed with a lazy carrier? How much simpler do they need to make it for you...you trace your packages from the time they leave and take an estimated delivery fourth dimension.

If it is the USPS, they piece of work similar clockwork. My mailman hits my box every day at 11AM...what is so hard for you for information technology to happen a lot? Is it that hard to drive a couple miles to the office and pick information technology up?

Perhaps you need to live in the state, our postman only open the door and put the bundle within. But, we are neighbors, so I approximate that helps.


anonysoum to FedUP withUSPS


to FedUP withUSPS

I signed a release at United Package Service and FedEX and then that they leave all packages at my door, regardless of whether a signature is required.

Expensive items I don't want to take a chance beingness stolen I just have shipped to the UPS/FedEx concluding and pick it upward after work.

FedUP withUSPS

FedUP withUSPS to pp03


to pp03

said by pp03:

Cursed with a lazy carrier? How much simpler do they need to make it for you...you trace your packages from the time they leave and have an estimated delivery fourth dimension.

Unfortunately, estimating a delivery time won't exercise me much good if the carrier claims he doesn't have to deliver the package after that first notice. Sadly, I cannot spend one-half the day, every day, at the house waiting for the mail carrier to prove upward on the off chance that he might have a package for me.

If my carrier were indeed "making life simple" for me, in that location wouldn't be a trouble. Just his claiming he'due south merely obliged to attempt to deliver a packet one time is a lot less about making life easy for me and a lot more about making life easy for him.

said past pp03:

If it is the USPS, they work similar clockwork. My mailman hits my box every day at 11AM...what is so difficult for you for it to happen a lot? Is it that difficult to drive a couple miles to the office and option information technology up?

It so happens it's more than "a couple of miles" to the mail service office.

Merely how far away the post function is is abreast the point. Either the USPS is in the package delivery business or....they are not.

If I take to drive to where they are to receive packages, rather than them delivering packages as they are supposed to do, then information technology'southward clear they are not in the package delivery concern. In which instance, they demand to stop taking money for services that they have no intention of providing.

said by pp03:

Perhaps you need to live in the country, our postman simply open the door and put the package inside.

Maybe my mail carrier needs to offset acting like a mail carrier and kickoff actually conveying my postal service for me. You know, rather than insisting that I play mail carrier for him and pick it upward myself at the local postal service part.

Later all, that is his job description.

said by pp03:

Just, we are neighbors, so I guess that helps.

Yeah, I guess information technology does.

I got another "sorry nosotros missed you" find today. This time, the carrier didn't fill out anything on the carte du jour except for the "IF CHECKED, Yous MUST BE Present AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY TO SIGN FOR AN ITEM" checkbox. So I accept no idea what it is he'due south fifty-fifty trying to deliver.

I guess he has better things to do with his time than make full out forms similar he'due south supposed to. You lot know, so I can go some sort of idea of what's going on?

At whatever rate, 3 calls to the folks at 800-Inquire-USPS and a brief chat today with someone at the local post office all yielded the same result: the post office representatives all said that, yes, he is obliged to attempt a redelivery if I indicate I'd like one, fifty-fifty if information technology'southward a package that requires a signature.

So it looks like I demand to talk to a supervisor at the local PO or something. Because what we have hither.....is a failure to communicate.

Premium Member
To the west

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Caddyroger to FedUP withUSPS

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to FedUP withUSPS

Did y'all fill out the attempted to deliver or did you go to the post and tell the guy. If yous did then he in the correct to tell he don't take to evangelize it since you are not his boss. Y'all don't become to the mail service person you fill the form out when yous would like it delivered and put in the mail box. If it was me I would told you to go and see my boss.

Premium Member

joako to pp03

Premium Member

to pp03

said by pp03:

Cursed with a lazy carrier? How much simpler exercise they need to go far for you...y'all trace your packages from the fourth dimension they leave and have an estimated delivery fourth dimension.

If it is the USPS, they piece of work similar clockwork.

Aye. Priority mail from CA to FL or FL to CA in 2 days... for $3.80 or whatever it costs.

Gotten packages (priority usually, never use express) delivered on Sunday many many times.

I've gone to the PO at odd hours and I see information technology seems similar there are plenty of people difficult at work.

Spare Me the Marxist B.S.
Premium Member
Newark, NJ

NwkEWR to FedUP withUSPS

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to FedUP withUSPS

Every profession has an a**hole or ii at every part, some people have their jobs seriously, some don't, for the longest time we had a carrier called Marie who was a mild mannered, polite and professional carrier that went out of her way to do her job to the best of her power while keeping in mind that "I care for my road customers the same way I'd like to be treated", Marie bought a house downwards the Jersey shore and requested a transfer to a P.O. closer to her new home, ever since and then (about half dozen years) we've had v different carriers assigned to our road, iii of those have been retained on a route rotational footing, the other two were fired because of the large amount of complaints from people in the neighborhood, the worst ane was a young "urban" female who wouldn't even answer a polite hello, how are you lot? and practiced mail mutilation while inserting it in the boxes, I was i of the customers who complained to the local supervisor, he told me that he had received dozens of complaints almost her and an inspector was assigned to follow her inconspicuously, I saw him on a Saturday afternoon, he drove an unmarked Ford Taurus that looked just like whatever other civilian owned one would, I asked him what he was doing opening the mailboxes and he stated that he was checking the condition of the postal service upon delivery due to complaints, I thanked him and went almost my business organisation, about a month and a half later I received a letter of the alphabet from the Urban center's Postmaster apologizing for the previous situation with the damaged mail, it was too mentioned that the culprit was a probationary employee that failed her probation and was terminated, talking to some of my neighbors they confirmed having received a similar alphabetic character.

Unfortunately it takes one or 2 bad apples to tarnish the hard earned reputation of nigh postal employees, carriers work under just about whatever kind of weather weather condition and practice it reliably and effectively, nigh of the time people expect, demand and receive outstanding service from the USPS, situations similar the i I've mentioned above are mostly rare, do not forget to let your carrier(due south) know how much you appreciate and value the service that they provide for you, come up Christmas, give your carrier a nice card and appropriate tip, I know carriers are not supposed to take gratuities, I take never had one that has refused to have it. Accept intendance of those that accept care of yous and well-nigh of the time information technology volition come back to y'all in like way. For the tape, I am non a postal employee.

Premium Fellow member
Wildomar, CA

AbBaZaBbA to FedUP withUSPS

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to FedUP withUSPS

yea I concur. I practice usually send 1-2 envelopes small boxes every solar day but our postlady is very overnice. I tip her 20$ or and so during the holidays and chat every so often. The previous guy was very squeamish likewise but since our "route" only consists of 5 houses they just merged it into the route next to it. Although on her days off the other guy sometimes gets pissy if I have PM boxes and haven't requested an online pickup the twenty-four hours earlier (I usually don't know if i'k sending pm the mean solar day earlier).

Premium Fellow member
bring together:2002-02-08
Houston, TX

removed to joako

Premium Member

to joako

said by joako:

Yep. Priority mail from CA to FL or FL to CA in 2 days... for $three.80 or whatever it costs.

I wish it were $three.80. It'due south much closer to $five and $five.25 nowadays.

Premium Member
Wildomar, CA

AbBaZaBbA to FedUP withUSPS

Premium Fellow member

to FedUP withUSPS

Depdning on location I would say almost 45% of the time information technology's 2 days, 45% of the time information technology's 3 days and 10% of the time it's more. Perhaps one% of the time it's overnight (rare but information technology does happen). I had ane item go from CA to VA overnight during the holidays with PM.


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james16 to FedUP withUSPS


to FedUP withUSPS

said by FedUP withUSPS :

When my mailman showed up and I signed for the package, we had a minor argument over but what circumstances he is obliged to redeliver a package nether.

Have fun with "lost" letters from now on.
He brought yous the damn package, you should accept said "Thanks, I appreciate information technology" and let him feel practiced for what he felt was going and to a higher place and beyond what was required.
As information technology stands right now, yous both think the other is an idiot.

Premium Member

Grumpy4 to FedUP withUSPS

Premium Member

to FedUP withUSPS

Life rule 310:
Never argue with the people who handle your food or your postal service


Source: https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r20720169-How-many-times-is-the-USPS-obliged-to-re-deliver-a-package

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